
Lags slow fire upper mac 10 9mm
Lags slow fire upper mac 10 9mm

The 45-70 is still around loaded much hotter than in 1898 because the Trapdoor Springfield is such a weak action. The “ought six” was and still is an extraordinary round but the Krag had a short life span. I would certainly pick a rifle over a handgun but remember back in the days of the 30-40 Krag and the 30-06 the military was outfitting them with very long distance sights with little expectation of battle at pistol ranges.

lags slow fire upper mac 10 9mm

My two family members who fought in the Spanish American War are long gone and can’t be asked. The balance of your comment could be valid.

lags slow fire upper mac 10 9mm

I copied my comment below to make it easier for you. It was that NEW semi-auto pistol (note the passage of 11 years) that solved the problem when and if a handgun was needed but few were ready for WWI. I thought you might have had a greater knowledge of history and the dates involved (Spanish American War was barely 2 years long–from 1898 to 1900) 1911 was many years after that war. 38 Long Colts there that lead to the invention of the 1911. 45 ACP was used specifically in the Spanish American war of 1898.

lags slow fire upper mac 10 9mm

But in this case the training, logistics, and overall responsibility should remain entirely up to them.Ĭol KFC–Never meant to claim that the 1911. I advocate issue and training as required, and I believe that for those who want to use their personnel handguns, I say let them. But the handgun remains because the troops want them, and because they do perform an important niche role. The M1 carbine was developed for WWII precisely because of the limitations of the handgun. Since then the combat use of handguns has been largely limited to specialized missions such as extremely tight quarters fighting (tunnel rats of Vietnam) or guard duty. In WWI the club, trench knife, spade, and bayonet inflicted more casualties in trench fighting. The information that is available indicates that handgun use in combat is minuscule. A 12 gauge shotgun loaded with 00 buckshot would have proven more effective at short range than any handgun. A good 45/70, 30/40 Krag, or 30-06 round would have been much more effective than any pistol round in terms of range and stopping power. The 45 ACP load designed to ensure good feeding reliability, while the older Colt load was said to be able to stop a runaway horse that was dragging its fallen rider. The 45 ACP was a 230 grain FMJ round nose bullet traveling about 100 FPS slower than the 45 Colt when fired from a 7.5″ barrel). 45 Colt load was more powerful than the 45 ACP and of a better overall design (flat tipped 250 grain lead), though I can’t be certain if this is the load issued to Army at that time. What the Army did in the interim was reissue Colt 1873 SAA that had their barrels cut to 5.5″. The first 1911 contract pistols were made in Dec 1911. The Moro Rebellion lasted from 1899 to1913. I doubt very many 45 ACP pistols were used against the Moro tribes. The 45 ACP pistol was never used against the Moros, but in 1944 they were sent to the Philippines to arm the Moros against the Japanese! I did a little bit of digging and discovered an ironic tidbit. The regular Army never warmed up to the 38, and the reports coming back from the Philippines did influence the search for suitable caliber and pistol, which, after several stopgap measures, resulted in the adoption of the iconic 1911 45 ACP pistol. How much that influenced the development and fielding of the 45 ACP and 1911 pistol is unclear. And the resiliency of the Moros as determined fighters to the death is well documented.

lags slow fire upper mac 10 9mm

The 38 and 9mm were roundly criticized for their general lack of “stopping power”, which is why the various SA and DA Colt 45s were issued. I did fail to mention the 6mm Lee, Colt 38s, 9mm Lugers, Colt 45 DA revolvers, and Colt 38 revolvers that also saw service with US forces and Philippine Constabulary during this time period. I mentioned the 12 gauge shotgun, 45/70, 30/40 Krag, and 30’06 because all of them were used in that long conflict. We did not fight the Moros prior to that. I was discussing the Moro Rebellion, which ran from 1899 – 1913. It lasted barely five months, from Apr – Aug 1898. I’m not sure what you mean about the Spanish-American War lasting two years from 1898 to 1900.

Lags slow fire upper mac 10 9mm